Now I Know my A,D,Gs - Re(D) major
1. no 10: String Changes, Mi-La-Re-La,
5X each rhythm - 1X2 2X1
2. no 11: Grasshoppers on Re(D) and La(A), 80=eight
3. no 12: Re(D) maj scale 1X half 2X quarter, 80=quarter
4. no 12: Re(D) maj scale 1X half 2X quarter,
80=quarter with 4th finger going down
5. no 13: Tonalizations in Re(D)
6. no. 14: Ladders up to 4th finger on Re(D) and La(A)
7. no 13: Exercise in thirds AKA "Leap Frog Ladders"
on Re(D) La(A), 1X each note group